George Saunders, revisited to celebrate the end of an era

George Saunders, revisited to celebrate the end of an era

Here’s a short rant about the end of a horrible era and the importance of counting, remembering, and savoring wins, before a look back at a wide ranging conversation with writer George Saunders, from early 2017, the beginning of a very dark four years. We talk about everything from Trump to the recording of the incredible, cast-of-hundreds audiobook for his Lincoln in the Bardo, to importance of someone who’ll tell you when you’re getting too full of yourself, to the equal importance of sneaking at least one dick joke into every interview. Toward the end is a recording of the author reading what he calls some “Seussian Doggerel” about the former president. At the time, it was a welcome bit of relief. Now, it’s great to look back and know it all, finally ended, somehow.

Happy New Year and Happy post-Trump, all!

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Ayun Halliday - Episode 78

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