Mark Berger - Episode 3

Mark Berger - Episode 3

On Saturday I called my dad up to ask him to retell, one more time, the story of the day he shook the hands of The Greatest. Thanks, Pop!

Because every type of art I’ve ever made has served as some sort of therapy, I’m making a year-long project of going back and listening to all the episodes of the show to reflect and see what I’ve learned and write about it. At the end of 2020, I’ll have a book, if perhaps only for me. I also am making up for the fact that episodes 1-7 never had their own episode pages. Here’s #2, with my father, what I had hoped would become, and still do hope that someday will become, a series of 15-Minutes Mini-s, of people telling a single story or reflection about brushes with fame, the famous, or something related. Photo is of my Dad and me about 15 years ago in North Adams Mass, probably soon after I moved back east. North Adams lies about halfway between my hometown, Albany, where Mark Berger still lives, and my little town in Western Mass. We used to meet in the middle regularly for lunch. But he’s 91 now, so I usually make the trek to Albany to see him. Anyway, here’s a five minute episode in which my dad tells the story of the time he met Muhammad Ali.

John Hodgman - Episode 1 (see also Episode 72)

John Hodgman - Episode 1 (see also Episode 72)

Tim Lockfeld - Episode 2

Tim Lockfeld - Episode 2