Episode 41 - Matthew Latkiewicz returns

Episode 41 - Matthew Latkiewicz returns

Episode 9's guest returns after his first year in Hollywood!

Episode 9's guest returns. When first we spoke, Matthew Latkiewicz, formerly a writer, was reluctantly (to say the least) headed into the life of a television host, of Tru TV's "You Can Do Better." A year and 26 episodes later, he's still reluctant, but has moved permanently to LA .

Also available on Spotify, iTunes, and pretty much everywhere pods are cast! (just search for "15 minutes jamie berger). 

 When first we spoke for this here show, my old friend Matthew Latkiewicz, formerly a writer, was reluctantly (to say the least) headed into the life of a television host, of Tru TV's "You Can Do Better." A year and 26 episodes later, he's still reluctant, but has moved permanently to LA . . .so not *that* reluctant. We discuss his year, and while we do go into the troubling aspects of fame, we also touch on perks such as the ego boost of it and flying on private jets now and then and MEETING SHAQ - listen in, won't you?

Episode 42 - Julie Klam

Episode 42 - Julie Klam

Episode 40 - Kurt Braunohler and Lauren Cook

Episode 40 - Kurt Braunohler and Lauren Cook