Episode 14 - Sara Jaffe

Episode 14 - Sara Jaffe

Sara Jaffe writes fiction. She used to and still does make music, was one of the founding members of Erase Errata. New Yorker review of Dryland: "Its title notwithstanding, this moody coming-of-age novel is soaked in the damp of Oregon winters and poolside locker rooms. Julie, a high-school student, joins the swim team, hoping to orbit a female crush and to understand the disappearance of her brother, a former Olympic hopeful.

Also available on Spotify, iTunes, and pretty much everywhere pods are cast! (just search for "15 minutes jamie berger"). 


Sara Jaffe writes fiction. She used to and still does make music, and was one of the founding members of the band Erase Errata. We talked about rock star fame vs. writer fame, and a bunch of other stuff, and there's a song! And Sara reads a story! (link below)

New Yorker review of Dryland:

“Its title notwithstanding, this moody coming-of-age novel is soaked in the damp of Oregon winters and poolside locker rooms. Julie, a high-school student, joins the swim team, hoping to orbit a female crush and to understand the disappearance of her brother, a former Olympic hopeful. She is exquisitely attuned to itches and aches―the constriction of a new bathing suit, the throb of a full bladder. Only the pool releases her to a dimension 'like sugar, like a dream.' Jaffe’s meticulous, frank texturing keeps the sex talks and scenes from sinking under tropes of adolescent awakening and presents queer desire as just one of Julie’s innumerable, unstoppable sensations.” (The New Yorker)

Links to stuff we talked about:

Dryland (excerpt)

A wonderful wonderful essay that you need to click on and read called "The Moment When We Stopped Being Just Friends"

The story Sara read on the show, “A Form of Love”

The Art of Touring book

“Salt and Water” E.P. , which includes the song “Walking Tour” that was played on the show

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