Episode 10.5, aka Episode 1, John Hodgman, the Director's Cut, aka, only SHORTER!

Episode 10.5, aka Episode 1, John Hodgman, the Director's Cut, aka, only SHORTER!

"As an artist it feels good to be recognized for your work, as a narcissist it feels great to be recognized for nothing."  - J. Hodgman

"As an artist it feels good to be recognized for your work, as a narcissist it feels great to be recognized for nothing." - J. Hodgman Hello Fabulous People, Note: to read this with lots of fun hyperlinks, go to: http://www.15minutesjamieberger.com/news/2016/8/12/episode-105-aka-episode-1-john-hodgman-the-directors-cut Hope you are near water this hot day.

Also available on Spotify, iTunes, and pretty much everywhere pods are cast! (just search for "15 minutes jamie berger). 

Hello Fabulous People,

Hope you are near water this hot day. We've got our first repeat this week, as we prepare upcoming episodes with writer/podcaster/radio historian/artist-enabler (in a good way) Jessica Abel, author Daniel Oppenheimer, filmmaker Penny Lane, and plenty of interesting people you've never heard of because maybe they want it that way! Coming this fall and beyond, we're lining up episodes with Matt (The Suitcase Junket) Lorenz, comedian Eugene Mirman, and writer George Saunders, to name just a few of the famouser ones.

But remember, in between those folks will be lesser-known-if-known-at-all names with stories rants and other interesting takes on the topic - could YOU be one of them?

Let us know by writing us at 15minutesjamieberger@gmail or though our facebook page or Twitter or Instagram or even by leaving a story on the fame telephone hotline at 872-215-6467. We really, truly, pinky-swear would love to hear from you. 


For this shorter version of Episdode 1: John Hodgman, we cut out the rather rough-sounding recording of the Judge John Hodgman semi-impromptu meeting that took place the day of our conversation back in aught-14. Super-Hodgman-fans, or Judgalos, as I like to call you, you can still hear that meet-up by going to Episode 1 on iTunes or Soundcloud or just about anywhere you look for podcasts!

As always, the call goes out. PLEASE review and rate us on iTunes and anywhere else you can. Takes a minute, makes a BIG-ASS DIFFERENCE to us and the future of 15 Minutes!


Stay cool, all!



Episode 11: Daniel Oppenheimer

Episode 11: Daniel Oppenheimer

Episode 10: 24 Hours, 2 Million Views: Søren and Dave's Big Adventure

Episode 10: 24 Hours, 2 Million Views: Søren and Dave's Big Adventure